
"Where there are larch and fir"

The Gorny Park was declared a natural monument of local importance on October 13, 1964. A relatively small forest "oasis" is located on an area of ​​only 7 hectares. You can truly be proud of this heritage! This is the place where you can not only observe rare species
trees, but also stroll through the park, along well-maintained paths, and relax in the gazebos in the park. For your information, there are many varieties of trees and shrubs in the park, about 41 species in total. The Forestry Museum was opened in the cone dryer (built in 1972). In the museum, in addition to the presentation of the process of drying cones and obtaining seeds, there is also information about the 140-year history of the leshoz. In the house "Visiting the Bees" you will learn about the nuances of collecting honey, the construction of the beehive and the family hierarchy of the bee colony, honey tasting. A children's ecological trail "Lukomorye" has been created - an alley of fairy tales inhabited by mythical characters, and of course LABARINTH from tui !!!

Organizer: TEDUP "Grodnoturist" Lida Representative Office

Phones: +375 154 60 91 06, +375 29 580 45 94

Lida, st. Castle, 2.