
Thematic excursions

Thematic excursions "Development of Kalgasnaga ruhu on Lidchyna", "Belarusian-Polish painting Nadnemannya", "Nadnemanskaya lastaўka Danuta Bichel", “Our fellow countrymen are signs of dzeyachy navuki: І.М. Daullyud "," Dakuda region at the clock of nyametsky akupatsі "," Pradmets to stay for Belarusians "," Our fellow countrymen warriors -internatsyyanalisty "," Gistorya Kamsamolsky arganizatsy yodkaўskay school "," Our fellow countrymen Labko "," Uradzhentsy native land on the high pasads dzyarzhaunaga kiravannya "
Bus excursions "Yak usё pachynalasya ..." (history of Kyantseўskay, Dakudaўskay schools), “We ask the Dakuda крайski land” (Struve arc, Dokudovsky reserve, Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Website: https://edki.schools.by/pages/muzej-vytok